Admission Open for 2024-25, B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical) and M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)

The wealth of a nation is upheld in the number of educated men and women it harbors. In the competitive world where knowledge determines the winners and losers, it has become increasingly necessary to ensure that, besides a sound education, students have the ability to excel and win in the global context. Believing that Knowledge is Power, Knowledge is Safety and Knowledge is Happiness we venture at ITR to equip our students with latest subject knowledge and strive to create a learning culture that promotes quality, innovative exploring, discipline and in the process grooming students to face the challenges of the corporate world. State-of-the-art facilities in job-oriented disciplines, brilliant faculty, seminars, workshops and a regular industry-academy interaction make ITR a top ranking institution in this area. We are optimistic and this trend will continue for as long as people value quality education and discipline.

Dear Students, you are now embarking on a great learning adventure and you may face challenges of varying degrees and nature ahead. But I am sure those challenges will inspire you further and undoubtedly you will be the achievers at the end. Once you pass through the portals of ITR, the road ahead will be opened for a journey of wonderful life. I also know for certain that you will lead the change of tomorrow and the world will seek you proactively.

DR. N.K. Choudhary

Director ITR Roorkee